Stay Alert and Slow Down: Back to School Driving Safety Tips

A school bus with its stop sign extended

Be Patient and Courteous

It’s back to school time, and it is crucial for drivers to be prepared and informed. Here are five essential tips to ensure a safe and smooth transition as we navigate the busy roads.

Be alert for school buses
Watch out for buses making stops to pick up or drop off children. When you spot a school bus with flashing lights and a stop sign out, make sure to come to a complete stop until the bus starts moving again. Passing a stopped school bus illegally poses a serious risk to children's safety.

Observe school zone regulations and speed limits
Keep an eye out for signs indicating reduced speed limits in school zones and enforcement times. Slow down to the specified speed limit, usually between 15 to 25 mph, when driving through these areas, regardless of whether children are present. Disregarding these limits can result in fines and penalties.

Stay attentive to pedestrians
Be mindful of pedestrians, especially children, near crosswalks, school entrances, and sidewalks. Kids might not always follow traffic signals or check both ways before crossing, so be ready to yield when necessary. Avoid distractions such as phones and focus on the road and your surroundings.

Be patient and courteous
Display patience and courtesy towards other drivers, pedestrians, and school staff. Use your signals when turning, give pedestrians the right of way, and yield when appropriate. Avoid aggressive driving behaviors such as tailgating or unnecessary honking.

Prepare for increased traffic
Expect heavier traffic flow, especially during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up times near schools. Plan your route in advance, allowing extra time for potential delays. Consider leaving earlier to avoid rushing and ensure you reach your destination on time.


The information presented in this document is for informational and educational purposes only. It is intended to assist individuals, farmers, and business owners in identifying common hazards/risks and considering proactive loss prevention or loss mitigation actions. For information related to specific loss hazards, please contact your insurance agent.

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