Unexpected Driving Distractions Behind the Wheel

Eating in a car

Even brief distractions can have serious consequences on the road

While some driving distractions are obvious, such as texting or talking on the phone, there are several unexpected distractions that drivers should be aware of. Here are a few:

Engaging conversations, especially emotional ones, can divert your focus. Also, passengers moving around, especially children or pets, can introduce unexpected distractions.

External Events
Roadside accidents, emergency vehicles, or attention-grabbing billboards can divert your attention. Prioritize the road ahead to reduce the risk of accidents.

In-Vehicle Technology
Features like infotainment systems, navigation screens, and voice-activated controls can be distracting. Familiarize yourself with these systems before driving and limit interaction while on the road.

Eating and Drinking
Eating or drinking while driving can take your hands off the wheel and distract you. Spills or reaching for items can create sudden distractions.

Daydreaming or Fatigue
Daydreaming or driving while fatigued can impair your focus. Stay alert and well-rested to avoid missing important signals, signs, or hazards.

Personal Grooming
Applying makeup, grooming hair, or adjusting clothing can divert your eyes from the road and hands from the wheel, increasing the risk of accidents.

Emotional Distress
Stress, anger, or sadness can impact your concentration while driving. Strong emotions may lead to aggressive driving behaviors or impaired decision-making on the road.

Stay aware of these unexpected distractions to minimize their impact and focus on safe driving practices. Even brief distractions can have serious consequences on the road.


The information presented in this document is for informational and educational purposes only. It is intended to assist individuals, farmers, and business owners in identifying common hazards/risks and considering proactive loss prevention or loss mitigation actions. For information related to specific loss hazards, please contact your insurance agent.

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